CowPark’s Originality

Deborah Crystal
4 min readJun 16, 2022

Hello! Our focus today is on CowPark’s innovation and what it brings to the NFT ecosystem and technology. Lets start the discussion our crypto and NFT fans.

What exactly are NFTs?

NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are a type of digital asset that can be used to represent real-world objects such as art, music, in-game items, and videos. They’re bought and sold online, and they’re usually encoded with the same underlying software as many cryptos. It’s generally built in the same way that cryptocurrency like Bitcoin or Ethereum is, but that’s where the similarities end.

NFTs are distinct in that each one has a digital signature that prevents them from being swapped for or equal to one another (hence, non-fungible). Cryptocurrencies and physical money are both “fungible,” meaning they may be traded or exchanged for one another. They’re also worth the same amount of money — one dollar is always worth another dollar, and one Bitcoin is always worth another Bitcoin. The fungibility of cryptocurrency makes it a secure way to execute blockchain transactions.

What is CowPark, and what does it add to the NFTs Ecosystem in terms of innovation?

CowPark and the innovations it brings CowPark is a Binance Smart Chain NFT Simulation Game (SLG) (BSC). It combines Metaverse, Defi, NFT, and Gaming. The NFTs CowPark “Cow NFTs & Wolf NFTs” can be sold, recycled, and staked in the market to earn a substantial profit. s in the Ecosystem of NFTs: CowPark has two primary types of NFTs, each of which is designed uniquely, peculiarly, and irreplaceably. They are known as the Cow and Wolf NFTs.

What exactly are Cow NFTs?

This type of NFT can be employed in the game to create money. The income of the Cow NFT is dictated by its processing power. This processing capability can be expanded by updating Cow NFTs (with Magic Herbs) and evolving the NFT to boost its earning potential.

Cow NFTs have a level range of one to thirty. Level 1 Cow NFTs can be purchased for 25$CC each. The amount you can spend on this type of purchase is unlimited. Upgrading the Cow NFTs requires the use of magical herbs. These mystical herbs can be purchased in the store. To upgrade a level 1 Cow NFT to a level 2 Cow NFT, a player needs spend 5 $CC. Each level of advancement necessitates the ingestion of one magical herb. The price of the magical plant varies according to the cow’s level. During the upgrading process, both failure and success are possible. If the upgrade is successful, the Cow NFT may be upgraded by 1–5 levels at random. If the improvement fails, the cow may be degraded at random by one to five levels.

Contrary, Wolf NFTs, can be used to both steal and devour Cow NFTs. It can also go up against other Wolf NFTs (guarding players Cow Farm or attacking other players Cow Farm). Wolf NFTs will outnumber Cow NFTs by a factor of ten. Wolf NFTs are classified as gray wolves, red wolves, Arctic wolves, and Siberian wolves. They are also classified into five groups: B, A, S, SS, and SSS. The grades are allocated to each Wolf NFT at random, but if the players are unhappy with the grade assigned to their Wolf NFT, they can change it using the “Adjustment Boxes” offered in the store. Weapon NFTs are also in the CowPark ecosystem’s list of NFTs; this category of NFTs adds either ATK or DEF power to wolf NFTs. This boosts a Player’s Wolf NFT’s chances of winning fights against other Wolf NFTs in the game.

CowPark, as an NFT Simulation Game, has several distinguishing features that set it apart from other NFT Simulation Games and Pet Raising Games. These are some examples:

CowPark recycles the players’ NFT in order to protect the players’ rights and interests in all aspects. The Cow NFT level determines the recycling price, which can be changed by modifying the discount factor (30 percent by default). The calculation formula is as follows: The recycling price is equivalent to the theoretical value of the cow NFT* discount factor.

Fair access and free trading of CowPark’s NFT across all DEX Platforms that supports BSC, also players can trade their Cow NFTs and Wolf NFTs on the platform’s internal NFT Marketplace. The platform charges a 5% miner’s fee for each trading.

CowPark ensures a decentralized financial transaction on the game’s platform. This is possible because the game incorporates DeFi functionality. Cow NFT upgrades offer the potential for increased revenue. Don’t pass up this incredible opportunity to enjoy yourself, have fun, and earn money all at the same time.

For more information about CowPark and its latest update visit:





