Excting Updates on ShuttleOne This 2022
Hello, Shuttlenauts! It’s ShuttleOne time again and today, we’ll be discussing about the amazing developments ShuttleOne has in-store this year!
For ShuttleOne, the year 2021 had been lucrative, as the project went on a quest to become the default operating system for the financial products it was developing. The ShuttleOne project, which began with an ambitious plan, was able to complete all of its important milestones as a result of the efforts of the entire team and the entire community. Now, ShuttleOne is bringing the momentum it has built up into the new year, and it is poised to achieve even greater success.
The startup ShuttleOne, which specializes in digital asset blockchain infrastructure, has been providing enterprise-grade, Plug-and-Play DeFi solutions to governments, enterprises, and other organizations.
ShuttleOne Metachain Expansion in 2022
(ShuttleOne’s upcoming roadmap)
During the most productive months of 2021, ShuttleOne concentrated its efforts on laying the groundwork for the Metachain ecosystem. The ShuttleOne team is now focused on making its infrastructure more usable for the benefit of the crypto community after completing the Metachain Bridge and Shuttle Wallet with DeFi capabilities, and integrating three independent protocols with the Metachain infrastructure.
Q1 — Q2 2022
ShuttleOne’s infrastructure must be made more user-friendly as a first step in the development of the ShuttleOne ecosystem. Developers and crypto investors/traders will be able to better interact with the ecosystem and take advantage of ShuttleOne’s benefits as a result.
Using the Metachain, ShuttleOne plans to create and release cross-chain token utility tools in the next months. These tools will allow users to mint, transfer, burn, and lock tokens across protocols.
Multi-chain tokens are supported by these technologies, allowing projects to simultaneously develop and deploy on various chains. Having these basic token utilities cross-chain will open up options for price arbitrage, bridge interoperability, and community building, among other things. Cross-chain tokens allow crypto communities to grow beyond the confines of a single network.
Q3 2022
Users can expect ShuttleOne’s cross-chain foundation and a wide range of cross-chain compatible dApps to be available for retail usage by the middle of 2022. In addition to its own dApps, ShuttleOne plans to open the decentralized app store Metalink to all developers.
What is Metalink?
For the purpose of creating cross-chain communication, ShuttleOne has created Metalink, a set of developer tools for this purpose. Using Metalink, developers will be able to generate tokens and build projects on several chains and distribute them to Metachain’s developing cross-chain crypto community.
Q4 2022
Users will be able to access dApps from ShuttleOne’s decentralized app store, removing the limitations of devices or networks from the user experience.
In Conclusion,
There will be even more blockchains supported by ShuttleOne Metachain in 2022 as the project moves closer to establishing a universal interface for all blockchains. Consider how Android can run on a variety of devices without a hitch.
Eventually, ShuttleOne aims to become the bridge that connects the blockchain ecosystems with existing traditional structures. By merging both realities, it will enable seamless flow of data and values, creating an ideal infrastructure on which the Web3.0 and Metaverse ecosystems will be able to thrive.