Plutos Network’s PancakeSwap Liquidity Reward Program
Good news friends ‼️ If you didn’t know already, Plutos has their first liquidity mining program live on PancakeSwap ‼️
What exactly does this mean ?
Plutos Network has initiated a liquidity mining program on PancakeSwap to reward PLUT/BNB liquidity providers. For the first LP reward program, the team has set aside a prize pool of $30k in $PLUT tokens per month for participants (a total prize pool of $90k in $PLUT tokens). The first LP reward program begins at 2PM UTC on September 28th and ends at 2PM UTC on December 28th.
Rewards are to be paid out every month as long as you have provided liquidity for at least 30 days. Plutos intends to initialize the required liquidity to try and minimise charges as well as build long-term value for the ecosystem by rewarding PLUT LPs with rewards.
More on $PLUT Liquidity Mining Rewards Program
All whilisted LPs will be qualified to earn their portion of the $30k in $PLUT tokens on a monthly basis. This will be in addition to the 0.3% trading fees to be charged and shall be equal to the amount being contributed to the pool. Exciting, right ?
Here’s how to be a part of this:
- First off, all you have to do is maintain liquidity in the PLUT/BNB PancakeSwap pool for at least 30 days.
- Then, make sure to whitelist your address HERE.
Before you get involved, be sure to note the following:
- The program has already started.
- You’ll be required to provide at least 1 BNB i.e 1 BNB in addition to 1 BNB worth of PLUT.
- The available rewards are distributed evenly across the entire pool. If someone provides liquidity but does not whitelist their address, their share of the rewards will not be shared with the rest of the pool.
- Unless otherwise stated, the program will run on a monthly basis.
Also ……
- Remember that Plutos team has no control over transactions, lost funds, or temporary loss on PancakeSwap.
- The daily ROI fluctuates as more people participate and new liquidity is added.
- Individual tokens you eventually withdraw from the pool may contain a greater proportion of BNB than Plutos, or vice versa.
- Plutos reserves the right to discontinue or modify this campaign at any time.
Join the fun and enjoy your time with Plutos ‼️